Séries TV
Musique audio
Mancini, Henry (1924-1994) | Carpenter, Pete | Post, Mike | Steinman, Roger | Sternberg, Liam | Conti, Bill (1942-....) | Hagen, Earle | Stevens, Morton | Astley, Edwin | Addison, John | Robinson, Peter Manning | Licht, Daniel | Frontiere, Dominique | Clausen, Alf | Elfman, Danny (1953-....) | Jones, Quincy (1933-2024) | Fielding, Jerry | Debney, John (1956-....) | Constant, Marius (1925-2004) | Williams, John (1932-....) | Szathmary, Zsigmond | Marshall, Jack | Badalamenti, Angelo (1937-2022) | Newman, Thomas (1955-....) | Giacchino, Michael (1967-....) | Snow, Marc | Man, Johnny | Rose, David | Reiser, Paul (1957-....) | Gardner, Stu | Grusin, David (1934-....) | Newman, L. | Sukman, Harry | Urbont, Jack | Waxman, Franz (1906-1967) | Skloff, Michael | Walden, W.G | Follart, Dan | Cuomo, Douglas J.
Edité par Nacarat Prod. S.l.
- 2011
- Type de document
- Disque compact
- Description physique
- 3 CD (22, 21, 21 min)
- Date de publication
- 2011
- 3760108355842
- Numéro du document
- 3760108355842 ; 6010835584 (Nacarat Prod)
- Contient
- Peter Gunn/ Henri Mancini/ The Spelding's Jazz Orchestra
- La panthère rose/ Henri Mancini/ The Edwin Davids Jazz band
- Les têtes brulées/ Pete Carpenter, Frank Denson, Mike Post/ The Monterey Radio & TV Philarmonic Orchestra
- Rick Hunter/ Mike Post, Pete Carpenter/ The New South Bay Orchestra
- Major dad/ Roger Steinman/ The Monterey radio and T Philharmonic orchestra
- Hill street blues, Capitain Furillo/ Mike Post/ The Speldind's Jazz Orchestra
- 21 jump street/ Liam Sternberg/ The Hollywood Prime Time Orchestra
- Falcon crest/ Bill Conti/ The Los Angeles Radio TV Symphony Orchestra
- Mike Hammer/ Earle Hagen/ The Spelding's Jazz Orchestra
- Sergent Anderson/ Morton Stevens/ The Los Angeles Radio TV Symphony Orchestra
- Le Saint/ Edwin Astley/ The Buckinghaman symphony Orchestra
- Arabesque/ John Addison/ Daniel Caine Orchestra
- FBI portés disparus/ Peter Manning Robinson/ The Hollywood's Martins
- New York district/ Mike Post/ The Hollywood Prime Time Orchestra
- Dexter/ Daniel J. Licht/ Azahm
- Les envahisseurs/ Dominic Frontiere/ The Los Angeles Radio TV Symphony Orchestra
- Alf/ Alf Clausen/ The Edwin Davids Jazz Band
- Les contes de la crypte/ Danny Elfman/ The Hollywood Prime Time Orchestra
- Au delà du réel/ Dominic Frontiere/ The Monterey Radio and TV Philharmonic Orchestra
- L'homme de fer/ Quincy Jones/ The Spelding's Jazz Orchestra
- Papa Schultz/ Jerry Fielding/ The Los Angeles Radio TV Symphony Orchestra
- Cameleon/ John Debney/ FX Costello
- La quatrième dimension/ Marius Constant/ The Monterey Radio and TV Philharmonic Orchestra
- Perdu dans l'espace/ John Williams/ The Monterey Radio and TV Philharmonic Orchestra
- Max la menace/ Irving Szathmary/ The Spelding's Jazz Orchestra
- Les monstres/ Jack Marshall/ The Hollywood's Martins
- Twin peaks/ Angelo Badalamenti/ The Hollywood Prime Time Orchestra
- Sixt feet under/ Thomas Newman/ London Music Works
- Lost/ Michael Giacchino/ FX Costello
- The x files theme/ Marc Snow/ Farid Russlan
- Charmed/ Johnny Man/ FX Costello
- La petite maison dans la prairie/ David Rose/ The Hollywood Prime Time Orchestra
- Dingue de toi/ Paul Reiser/ The Sonoras Tuxson Bad
- Campus show, A different world/ Stu Gardner, Bill Cosby, Dawn Lewis/ The Sonors's Tucson Band
- Hôpital St Elsewhere/ David Grusin/ The Daniel Caine Orchestra
- Blossom/ Mike Post/ The Daniel Caine Orchestra
- Daniel Boone/ L. Newman/ The National TV and Radio US Archives
- Mon ami Ben/ Harry Sukman
- Hôpital central/ Jack Urbont/ The Los Angeles Radio TV Symphony Orchestra
- Peyton place, Wondeful season of Love/ Franz Waxman/ The Los Angeles Radio TV Symphony Orchestra
- Dream on/ Michael Skloff/ The Edwin Davids Jazz Band
- Les ailes du destin/ W.G Walden/ The Hollywood Prime Time Orchestra
- Papa bricole, Iron John's rock/ Dan Follart/ The New South Bay Orchestra
- Sex and the city/ Douglas J. Cuomo/ FX Costello
- Desperate housewives/ Danny Elfman/ FX Costello