BD jazz : jazz en cuisine / Joëlle Huth, José Corréa

Musique audio

Huth, Joëlle | Colin, Stéphane. Préfacier | Corréa, José (1950-....). Illustrateur | Calloway, Cab (1907-1994). Piano | Johnson, Robert (1911-1938) | Smith, Bessie (1894-1937) | Basie, Count (1904-1984). Piano | Adderley, Nat (1931-2000) | Coleman, Ornette (1930-2015) | Gibson, Harry (1915-1991) | Hawkins, Coleman (1904-1969) | Bartholomew, Dave (1918-2019) | Williams, Hank (1923-1953) | Domino, Fats (1928-2017) | Baker, LaVern (1929-1997) | Waller, Fats (1904-1943) | Morse, Ella Mae | Brown, Robert (1910-1966) | Slim Gaillard (1916-1991). Piano | Cole, Nat King (1919-1965) | Clooney, Rosemary (1928-2002) | Milburn, Amos (1927-1980) | Watson, Leo (1898-1950) | Vinson, Eddie 'Cleanhead' | Harris, Wynonie (1915-1969) | Jordan, Louis (1908-1975) | Lee, Julia (1902-1958) | Bechet, Sidney (1897-1959). Clarinette | Brubeck, Dave (1920-2012). Piano | Eldridge, Roy (1911-1989). Trompette | Ammons, Gene (1925-1974). Contrebasse | Lutcher, Nellie (1915-2007) | Prima, Louis (1910-1978) | Fitzgerald, Ella (1917-1996) | Gillespie, Dizzy (1917-1993). Trompette | Smith, Mabel Louise (1924-1972) | Davis, Miles (1926-1991). Trompette | Lambert, Hendricks & Ross

Edité par BDMusic. S.l. - 2014

  • C'est si bon/ Louis Armstrong
  • Smokey Joe's café/ The Robins
  • Keep on eating/ Memphis Minnie
  • Everybody eats when they come to my house/ Cab Calloway
  • Comes on in my kitchen/ Robert Johnson
  • Kitchen man/ Bessie Smith
  • Ham and eggs/ Count Basie
  • Scrambled eggs/ Nat Adderley
  • Doughnut/ Ornette Coleman
  • Who put benzedrine in Mrs Murphy's ovomaltine/ Harry Gibson
  • Fine dinner/ Coleman Hawkins
  • Struttin' with some barbecue/ Louis Armstrong
  • Shrimp and gumbo/ Dave Bartholomew
  • Jambalaya/ Hank Williams
  • Jambalaya/ Fats Domino
  • Give me a pigfoot/ Bessie Smith
  • Give me a pigfoot/ LaVern Baker
  • All that meat and no potatoes/ Fats Waller
  • Pig foot Pete/ Ella Mae Morse
  • Digging my potatoes N2/ Washboard Sam
  • Potatoes chips/ Slim Gaillard
  • A chicken ain't nothing but a bird/ Cab Calloway
  • Chicken shack boogie/ Amos Milburn
  • Chicken rhythm/ Slim Gaillard
  • Avocado seed soup symphony/ Slim Gaillard
  • Kidney stew blues/ Eddie "Cleanhead" Vinson
  • Keep on churnin' [Till the butter comes]/ Wynonie Harris
  • Saturday night fish fry [Part 1 & 2]/ Louis Jordan
  • All this beef and big ripe tomatoes/ Julia Lee
  • Hold tight [I want some seafood mama]/ Fats Waller
  • Les oignons/ Sidney Bechet
  • Shortnin' bread/ Dave Brubeck
  • Petite laitue/ Roy Eldridge
  • Blue green beans/ Gene Ammons
  • A chicken ain't nothing but a bird/ Nellie Lutcher
  • Yes we have no bananas/ Louis Prima
  • The frim fram sauce/ Louis Armstrong
  • Home cooking/ Lambert, Hendricks & Ross
  • Salt peanuts/ Dizzy Gillespie
  • Matzoh balls/ Slim Gaillard
  • Candy/ Big Maybelle
  • Tasty pudding/ Miles Davis
  • After pudding/ Count Basie
  • Petootie pie/ Ella Fitzgerald
  • You're the cream of my coffee/ Nat King Cole
  • Come on in my house/ Rosemary Clooney

4 exemplaires disponibles

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1 -- C'est si bon
2 -- Smokey Joe's café
3 -- Keep on eating
4 -- Everybody eats when they come to my house
5 -- Comes on in my kitchen

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